unix tutorial
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UNIX Tutorial Online

Unix systems training internet based course
The self-paced unix tutorial is exceptional. Our unix tutorial meet or exceed exam objectives, teaching precisely what you need to know.
UNIX Tutorial
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Unix systems tutorial that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality, online unix systems, self-paced training designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of training topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
This UNIX tutorial is for anyone who wants to learn more about UNIX system administration or who is responsible for installing or maintaining a UNIX system.
- Introduction to UNIX presents the features that are most useful to new users including logging in and out file administration command processing displaying text and using mail.
- Bourne, Korn, and C presents the three shells that are typically available It describes how to get the most out of the three shells, and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each shell.
- Shell Programming presents the basics of shellprogramming using the Bourne shell then covers additional features of the Korn and C shells.
- System Administration I covers installing and setting up and maintaining file systems and user accounts.
- System Administration II presents system accounting performance monitoring device management and security.
- Process Management describes how to control programs including how to start a job (program) and how to kill it.
During the courses, you will learn how to:
- Describe the three standard versions
- Log in and log out of a system
- Work with directories and files
- Display and change file permissions
- Enter a command with arguments
- Redirect input and output
- Use the initialization file
- Print
- Send and receive mail
- Describe what a shell is
- Describe what a shell does
- Describe how a shell relates to the overall system
- Store data in variables
- Customize the environment with environment variables
- Identify the specific features of each shell
- Choose the appropriate shell for the situation
- Write basic Bourne, Korn and C shell programs
- Add statements to perform commands conditionally
- Build repetitions into a program
- Use functions for programming efficiency
- Handle unexpected signals from executing programs
- Select a shell language for writing shell scripts
- Plan and perform the installation on a machine
- Boot and shut down the system safely
- Describe system states
- Modify startup scripts
- Set up file systems and maintain them
- Perform file system backups
- Create or remove a user account
- Manage accounting systems
- understand the factors that affect system performance
- Optimize resources so that the system performs at its best
- Set up, configure, and maintain devices
- Evaluate security needs
- Identify the tools used to improve a system's security
- Describe how to execute a command
- Define the use of processes
- Describe the advantages of background execution
- List three common daemon processes
- Monitor processes with ps and time
- Differentiate between foreground and background processes
- Kill processes
- Prioritize processes
- Tune the system with ps and sar
- Define and manipulate a crontab
Our courses have special design features listed below:
- Certificates of Completion
- Instructional steps -- walk through a procedure
- Exercises -- try it out
- Notes - See additional information related to the topic in the text
- Tips - See a different, faster, or easier way of doing something
- Quick References - See a quick reference guide to the features introduced in a chapter
- Details - Display more detailed information related to the current topic
- Hotwords - See related information
- Navigation Bar - Maneuver easily through the courses
- Microsoft Approved Courseware Logo - to prepare you for a Microsoft certification
- Course Topics and Index -- with searching feature and hyper-links
- Printable Exercises - PDF downloadable files
- Sample Application Files - PDF downloadable files
- Course Glossary
- Skill Assessment - can be used for pre and post-testing -- tracking first try, best try and course grade - if passed, green check mark will appear as 'mastered' - hyperlinks to units within the course to go back and re-take a certain unit again. Use as pre-test to determine which course topics you want to focus on and to go directly into that unit.