microsoft outlook express
Microsoft Outlook Training Course Info and Order
Microsoft Outlook Training

Microsoft outlook training internet based course
The self-paced microsoft outlook express training is exceptional. Our microsoft outlook training course meet or exceed exam objectives, teaching precisely what you need to know.
Outlook Training
Access Training
Project Training
Works Tutorial
Office Tutorial
Word Tutorial
Excel Tutorial
Microsoft Windows
Java Certification
A+ Certification
Webmaster Certification
Internet Explorer
SQL Server
Server 2000
Exchange Server
Photo Shop
Visual Basic
Power Point
Crystal Reports
Flash MX
Lotus Notes
Novell CNE
Oracle Database
Cisco CCNA
UNIX Systems
Cisco CCNA
Microsoft outlook express training that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality, online outlook, self-paced training designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of training topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
This course is for anyone who wants to learn more about Outlook 2002.
- Navigating in Outlook shows users how to move from component to component in and work with contact items and categories.
- Reading and Sending Messages shows users how to receive and send e-mail messages.
- Customizing and Organizing Messages shows users how to manage mailboxes of messages.
- Using the Calendar explores the Calendar and the ways that users can take advantage of it for scheduling their meetings, appointments, and events.
- Using Tasks and Notes shows users how to work with tasks and Notes.
After completing our courses you will know how to:
- Navigate between components
- Create, edit, and delete contacts
- Use categories to sort information
- Link information to contacts
- Use help features
- Read mail
- Reply to and forward mail messages
- Compose and send mail messages
- Print mail messages
- Find mail messages
- Attach files and include signatures in messages
- Customize the look of mail
- Use mail templates to compose mail
- Create folders and move items between folders
- Sort and filter mail
- Archive messages
- Customize the mailbox menu and task bars
- Navigate within the Calendar
- Schedule appointments
- Schedule events
- Schedule multi-day events
- Invite people and reserve rooms
- Remove and add meeting attendees
- Set reminders
- Schedule recurring appointments
- Print your Calendar
- Customize the Calendar view
- Customize menu and toolbars
- Hide toolbars and buttons
- Save a Calendar as a Web page
- Share Calendar details
- Create and update tasks
- Delegate tasks
- Change tasks views
- Organize tasks using categories
- Create and edit notes
- Customize notes
- View and organize notes
- Create Office documents in Outlook 2002
Our courses have special design features listed below:
- Certificates of Completion
- Instructional steps -- walk through a procedure
- Exercises -- try it out
- Notes - See additional information related to the topic in the text
- Tips - See a different, faster, or easier way of doing something
- Quick References - See a quick reference guide to the features introduced in a chapter
- Details - Display more detailed information related to the current topic
- Hotwords - See related information
- Navigation Bar - Maneuver easily through the courses
- Course Topics and Index -- with searching feature and hyper-links
- Printable Exercises - PDF downloadable files
- Sample Application Files - PDF downloadable files
- Course Glossary
- Skill Assessment - can be used for pre and post-testing -- tracking first try, best try and course grade - if passed, green check mark will appear as 'mastered' - hyperlinks to units within the course to go back and re-take a certain unit again. Use as pre-test to determine which course topics you want to focus on and to go directly into that unit.