mous certification training
Mous Certification Training Course Info and Order
MOUS Certification Training

MOUS certification training internet based course
The self-paced mous certification training is exceptional. Our mous certification training course meet or exceed exam objectives, teaching precisely what you need to know.
MOUS Certification
Java Certification
A+ Certification
Webmaster Certification
CCNA Training
Internet Explorer
Office Training
Word Tutorial
Excel Tutorial
Microsoft SQL
Server 2000
Exchange Server
Photo Shop
Visual Basic
Power Point
Crystal Reports
Flash MX
Lotus Notes
Novell CNE
Oracle Database
Cisco CCNA
UNIX Systems
MOUS certification training that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality, online mous certification, self-paced training designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of training topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
MOUS is the universally accepted standard assessment of
desktop proficiency for the Microsoft office suite of applications. When
potential employees are certified, hiring managers know they can hit the
ground running. They know time and money won't be wasted on training and
support. That's why more companies are recognizing the MOUS program as a
standard assessment that differentiates proficient employees.
The program gives you proof you know how to use Microsoft Office
applications efficiently and productively.
Becoming a Proficient or Expert Specialist means you are more valuable to
an employer, and more marketable as an employee.
How do I obtain certification?
Step 1: Choose a level of participation
- Microsoft Office Proficient Specialist. This level is available for Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
To obtain this certification, you will need to pass any one Proficient Level Exam (Word or Excel).
- Microsoft Office Expert Specialist. This level is available for Microsoft Office applications, as well as other applications within the extended Microsoft Office family, such as the Microsoft FrontPage 97 Web authoring and management tool.
To obtain this certification, you will need to pass any one Expert Level Exam.
- Microsoft Office Expert. This level indicates you have attained Expert status in each of the Microsoft Office applications and have proved - through the Office Integration Exam - your ability to integrate these applications. This is the highest level attainable.
To obtain this certification, you will need to pass four Expert Level Exams and the Office Integration Exam
Step 2: Assess your experience and get prepared
While there are many ways to assess your experience and prepare for an exam, the bottom line is that skills like these aren't acquired overnight. Training helps ensure you get the support, guidance, and hands-on practice you need to become a Proficient or Expert Specialist.
- Try assessment tests.
- Review appropriate Exam Preparation Guides
- Prepare by training with approved courseware
- Try out your new skills in a real-world environment - practice, practice, practice
Step 3: Take and pass an exam
The Microsoft Office User Specialist exam is not a written test. Instead, it features real-world assignments based on the way you actually use your computer. The exam software runs concurrent with an actual copy of Microsoft Office and provides you with tasks to perform on a real document. You move at your own pace; but be aware that the exam is timed and you will be penalized if you take too long to complete it.
Tests are conducted at Authorized Client Testing (ACT) Centers throughout the United States. To find the one nearest you, simply call 1-800-933-4493. The estimated retail price per test is $50.
- Exams are based on real-world assignments, not written tests. Using an actual document, you'll be asked to perform a series of tasks that clearly demonstrate your skills.
- All exams take less than an hour-and in some cases, only about 30 minutes. Once you've completed an exam you will be presented with your score, which will indicate if you've passed or not.
- Upon passing required tests, you receive an official Microsoft Office User Specialist Certificate.
- A valuable credential when applying for a job
- Validation of your experience or training
- Proof that you've got the desktop-computing skills necessary to work more productively and more efficiently than many of your co-workers
Our courses have special design features listed below:
- Certificates of Completion
- Instructional steps -- walk through a procedure
- Exercises -- try it out
- Notes - See additional information related to the topic in the text
- Tips - See a different, faster, or easier way of doing something
- Quick References - See a quick reference guide to the features introduced in a chapter
- Details - Display more detailed information related to the current topic
- Hotwords - See related information
- Navigation Bar - Maneuver easily through the courses
- Microsoft Approved Courseware Logo - to prepare you for a Microsoft certification
- Course Topics and Index -- with searching feature and hyper-links
- Printable Exercises - PDF downloadable files
- Sample Application Files - PDF downloadable files
- Course Glossary
- Skill Assessment - can be used for pre and post-testing -- tracking first try, best try and course grade - if passed, green check mark will appear as 'mastered' - hyperlinks to units within the course to go back and re-take a certain unit again. Use as pre-test to determine which course topics you want to focus on and to go directly into that unit.