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Java Tutorial Online

Java certification training internet based course
The self-paced java tutorial is exceptional. Our java certification tutorial meet or exceed exam objectives, teaching precisely what you need to know.
Java Tutorial Online
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Java certification tutorial that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality, online, self-paced tutorial designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of tutorial topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
This course is for experienced Java programmers who are preparing to take the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform Examination 310-025.
- Java and Object-Oriented Fundamentals provides an overview of the fundamentals of the language and object-oriented programming.
- Declarations, Flow Control, and Exception Handling shows users how to declare variables and methods and how to use statements to control the flow of programs and handle exceptions.
- Classes, Interfaces, Methods, and Garbage Collection shows users how to declare classes and interfaces, how to overload and override methods, and how garbage-collection mechanism works.
- Threads explains how multithreading works and how it is supported.
- The java.lang Package describes the classes and interfaces of the .lang package.
- The java.util Package describes the classes and interfaces of util package.
- GUI Components and Containers of the awt Package describes the GUI components and containers of .awt and explains how the AWT classes and interfaces are used to develop a Java-based GUI.
- Layouts and Event Handlers of the.awt Package explains how the classes and interfaces of .awt are used to organize the display of GUI components and how event-handling classes and interfaces are used.
- Graphic and Image Elements of the .awt Package explains how to display bitmapped images, draw geometric shapes, and control the way text is displayed.
- The .io Package explains how to perform sophisticated input and output using standard I/O, memory buffers, and files
During the courses, you will learn how to:
- Identify correctly constructed package declarations, import statements, and method declarations
- Identify all programming language keywords and correctly constructed identifiers
- Describe the range of all primitive data types
- Declare literal values for String and all primitive types
- Determine the result of applying any operator to operands of any type, class, scope, or accessibility
- Describe the basic concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming
- Declare variables and methods making appropriate use of all permitted modifiers
- Describe the significance of all modifiers
- Identify correctly constructed variable and method declarations
- State the legal return types for any method
- Write code using if and switch statements
- Write code using all forms of loops
- Write code that makes proper use of exceptions and exception-handling clauses
- Declare classes and interfaces
- Identify correctly constructed class and interface declarations
- Identify correctly constructed implementations
- Write code to construct instances of any concrete class
- Write code to invoke overridden or overloaded methods
- State the behavior that is guaranteed by the garbage collection system
- Write code that explicitly makes objects eligible for collection
- Write code to define, instantiate, and start new threads
- Recognize conditions that might prevent a thread from executing
- Write code to protect against concurrent access problems and to communicate between threads
- Define the interaction between threads, and between threads and object locks
- Identify the classes and interfaces provided by the .lang package
- Describe how the Object, Class, and System classes are used
- Explain how the wrapped classes are used
- Define the differences between the String and StringBuffer classes
- Write code using the methods of the Math class
- Identify the classes and interfaces provided by the .util package
- Explain how the Collections API is used
- Describe the class and interface hierarchy supported by the Collections API
- Illustrate how the date-related classes of .util are used
- Describe how the AWT is used to build graphical user interfaces
- Explain which components and containers are supported by the AWT
- Define how each component and container is used
- Illustrate how components and containers are assembled into applets and applications
- Explain which classes and interfaces support layouts and event handling
- Describe how layout managers simplify the process of organizing GUI components
- Illustrate how each layout manager is used
- Explain how listeners and adapters are used to implement the event-delegation model
- Override a component's event-dispatching methods
- Describe how painting and repainting occurs
- Identify the types of methods provided by the Graphics class
- Explain how geometric shapes and text are drawn
- Illustrate how images are created and displayed
- Define clipping
- Write code to read, write, and update files
- Select valid constructor arguments for input and output stream classes and subclasses
- Write code that navigates a file system
- Explain how international text is supported