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Computer training that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality, online computer certification, self-paced courses designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of training topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
This A+ 2001 Hardware & Operating System Certification course is for anyone preparing for the A+ Core Hardware examination and the A+ Operating System Technologies examination.
- Computer Introduction provides an overview of computer repair and systems.
- The System Board explains key concepts of system board operation, and what is necessary to install, maintain, and repair the system board.
- Connecting Peripherals explains what is needed to install, maintain, and repair peripherals.
- Operating Systems provides an overview of the system bootup procedure and the role of the operating system.
- MS-DOS explains what is needed to install, use, and configure the MS-DOS operating system.
- Windows 9x and 2000 provides an overview of the use of the Windows 9x and Windows 2000 operating systems, and how to install, use, and configure these operating systems.
- Disk Drives explains how to install, maintain, and repair disk drives.
- Monitors explains how to operate, maintain, and repair monitors.
- Modems explains how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot internal and external modems in Windows systems.
- Printers explains how to use and install dot-matrix, ink-jet, and laser printers, as well as how to troubleshoot them.
- Networks explains how to install and maintain networks.
- Troubleshooting explains how to troubleshoot common system problems.
- Maintenance Tasks explains how to clean and otherwise maintain the main components of computers, and provides a schedule of preventive maintenance procedures.
During the courses, you will learn how to:
- Identify important computer diagnostic and repair tools
- Avoid many safety hazards involved with repairing computers
- Identify the properties of an antistatic work area
- Explain how grounds work
- Identify the components of a PC system
- Identify common chip sets
- Define the functions of microprocessors
- Describe the memory structure of computers
- Explain how the computer system addresses components and peripherals
- Identify and install adapter cards
- Demonstrate how to troubleshoot common system board problems
- List the types and uses of expansion slots
- Explain parallel ports and their uses
- Describe serial ports and their uses
- Troubleshoot port problems
- Discuss power supplies and power supply protection
- Troubleshoot common peripheral problems
- Identify functions, structures, and types of operating systems
- Define BIOS and explain its responsibilities
- Follow the bootup procedure and self-tests
- Set up CMOS and respond to bootup error codes
- Describe the structure of MS-DOS
- Explain the DOS directory structure
- Use DOS disk, directory, and file names
- Use DOS commands and utilities
- Describe the DOS memory organization
- Configure DOS
- Install DOS
- Install Windows 9x and 2000
- Perform operating system upgrades
- Explain the startup processes for Windows 9x and 2000
- Use the Start menu and Windows Explorer
- Adjust system settings in the Control Panel
- Install new hardware and software
- Describe the Windows 9x and 2000 Registry structure
- Access Registry editors
- Explain how disk drives function
- Install and troubleshoot floppy disk drives
- Format and partition hard drives
- Describe hard drive interfaces
- Install hard drives
- Troubleshoot hard drives
- Describe basic monitor operations
- Describe VGA standards
- Troubleshoot video problems
- Perform basic monitor repair
- Describe modem components and operation
- Identify the Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem communication protocols and their parameters
- Describe serial interfaces and the development of the UART
- Use basic AT commands to operate modems
- Troubleshoot modem software and hardware problems, including COM port and IRQ conflicts