computer based training course
Computer Based Training Course Info and Order
Computer Based Training Course

Computer based training take internet course
The self-paced computer based training is exceptional. Our computer based training course meet or exceed exam objectives, teaching precisely what you need to know.
Computer Certification
Webmaster Certification
Java Certification
Internet Explorer
Microsoft SQL
Server 2000
Exchange Server
Photo Shop
Visual Basic
Power Point
Crystal Reports
Flash MX
Lotus Notes
Novell CNE
Computer based training that's Easy, Convenient and Affordable! High-quality self-paced courses designed to help you achieve your goals. Affordable annual subscription plans give you unlimited access to an entire suite of training topics at prices that you just won't find anywhere else.
This A+ 2001 Hardware & Operating System Certification course is for anyone preparing for the A+ Core Hardware examination and the A+ Operating System Technologies examination.
- Computer Introduction provides an overview of computer repair and systems.
- The System Board explains key concepts of system board operation, and what is necessary to install, maintain, and repair the system board.
- Connecting Peripherals explains what is needed to install, maintain, and repair peripherals.
- Operating Systems provides an overview of the computer system bootup procedure and the role of the operating system.
- MS-DOS explains what is needed to install, use, and configure the MS-DOS operating system.
- Windows 9x and 2000 provides an overview of the use of the Windows 9x and Windows 2000 operating systems, and how to install, use, and configure these operating systems.
- Disk Drives explains how to install, maintain, and repair disk drives.
- Monitors explains how to operate, maintain, and repair monitors.
- Modems explains how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot internal and external modems in Windows systems.
- Printers explains how to use and install dot-matrix, ink-jet, and laser printers, as well as how to troubleshoot them.
- Networks explains how to install and maintain networks.
- Troubleshooting explains how to troubleshoot common system problems.
- Maintenance Tasks explains how to clean and otherwise maintain the main components of computers, and provides a schedule of preventive maintenance procedures.
Our courses have special design features listed below:
- Certificates of Completion
- Instructional steps -- walk through a procedure
- Exercises -- try it out
- Notes - See additional information related to the topic in the text
- Tips - See a different, faster, or easier way of doing something
- Quick References - See a quick reference guide to the features introduced in a chapter
- Details - Display more detailed information related to the current topic
- Hotwords - See related information
- Navigation Bar - Maneuver easily through the courses
- Microsoft Approved Courseware Logo - to prepare you for a Microsoft certification
- Course Topics and Index -- with searching feature and hyper-links
- Printable Exercises - PDF downloadable files
- Sample Application Files - PDF downloadable files
- Course Glossary
- Skill Assessment - can be used for pre and post-testing -- tracking first try, best try and course grade - if passed, green check mark will appear as 'mastered' - hyperlinks to units within the course to go back and re-take a certain unit again. Use as pre-test to determine which course topics you want to focus on and to go directly into that unit.